Home Travel Tips 5 Tips to Enhance Your Uganda Safari Experience

5 Tips to Enhance Your Uganda Safari Experience

Uganda Tourists

Would you like to enhance your Uganda Safari experience there some few tip to follow but very essential as far as traveling in Uganda for the safari is concerned. Uganda is a land locked small east African country very beautiful with an exceptional authentic nature everyone would like to explore. Numbers of attractive tourist destinations, for all kinds of travelers including upmarket and economy.

The warm and cool temperatures ranging from 19  to 27  with wet season between the month of March to late May and late September November, dry seasons starts from late May to early September and December to February with temperature ranging from 21  to 39  but varying from regions.

The country with one of the east African busiest city Kampala surprisingly the city known of having dusty bumpy roads especially down town as well caters for the upmarket category on the other side. People here are not found anywhere warm and welcoming towards foreigner, though there varieties of attractions to see on your adventure at this point rest on on the schedule of what you wish to see.

When to visit Uganda

The best world climate exhibited by the country makes a destination good to visit throughout the year, championing your travel schedule doubt no about the good climate to experience. However Uganda has two varying seasons wet season experienced from March to May and from mid-September to November, here grasses in the parks are taller which may causing missing out of some wildlife sightings, trekking mountain gorillas during wet seasons continues only it’s challenging as the rolling terrain slippery and can be showering during the trek.

Drier seasons are better for game viewing as grasses in parks are shorter leaving a wider open landscape viewing. Its perfect season to to go on primate safaris that focus on gorillas and Chimpanzees. It is also the best time to go mountaineering through the Rwenzori Mountains. Dry seasons experienced in the months of June to mid-September and December to February.

The list of simple tips to follow when on the safari in Uganda.

Don’t over expect

Well, deciding to top Uganda on your travel list it’s because certain experiences expecting to see. But Uganda means nature and everything is nature given, when on a safari don’t over expect but let nature surprise and appreciate everything encountered.

Follow the instructions

Different destinations have set rules governing all the activities done, Uganda wildlife authority made rules that govern all park activates and these are must do for instance don’t drive off track when doing a game drive. People infectious sickness are not allowed to trek either mountain gorillas or Chimpanzees allow effective corporations this will reduce your disappointments. In case of any cockup with the rules there penalty upshots.

Move with Money

Though when in Kampala all banks here welcome visa cards and many of the shopping and gas fueling stations have adopted credit cards, the countryside is different case where you need to have cash and mainly changed to Uganda shillings currency only accepted. Some restaurants and lodges in the parks when on safari they use credit cards and accept international currencies but mostly dollars, pounds and euros. It’s advisable to move with cash to access services especially out of the park and away from the city.

Move with body body repellent oils, just know when traveling in Uganda for adventures in the wildness the nature has a lot of its

This is a new environment and is nature, when traveling

Give a tip

Well service providers most of them are permanent workers paid at the endof every month, though they can’t express it that they are expecting tips from client but the reality they want that tip to make them through the all month before their salary.


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